Smartphone application for Long Distance Calling! Facebook Twitter

Smartphone App
for long distance calling

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How to Use for BlackBerry®

Call Back
included feature
  1. Select the destination number from your phone book and press the BlackBerry® menu key( ).
  2. Click "Use GL2GO Call Back" located in the top row of the menu to submit the request for call back.
  3. On your screen you will see "Request in Progress".
  4. Followed by "Thank you for using GL2GO, your call will be connected shortly".
  5. Once you receive the call back, answer your phone, listen for the announcements, and wait for your call to connect.

NOTE: It is important that you answer each call back request even if you no longer wish to complete the call.
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Once you have requested a call back but no longer wish to proceed with it, please be sure to answer the call back request and hang up immediately.

If you do not do so, the call will get connected to your voicemail (if you have voicemail feature) and will be deducted from your GL2GO prepaid balance for the connection.

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Pound Assisted Dial
included feature
To make calling even easier, use the Pound Assisted Dial Feature to initiate Call Back or Direct Dial!

Simply add “#” (pound) in front of each number you want to dial and GL2GO will initiate the call using your preferred dialing method!

Setup instructions:

  1. Set Pound Assisted Dialing Permissions
    • Select the BlackBerry® Options menu on your phone.
    • Select Advanced Options>Applications>GL2GO>Press BlackBerry® Menu key ( ).
    • Select Edit Permissions>Set all Interactions to “Allow” and save.
  2. To learn more play demo
  3. Enable Pound Assisted Dial
    • Open GL2GO Options menu>Choose Pound Assisted Dial>Set to Call back or Direct Dial
    • Each time you wish to dial a destination number, enter "#" followed by the number.
    • For your most commonly dialed destinations, simply save the number in your contacts with “#” preceding the number. (Example: #01144-20-30265297)
  4. To learn more play demo
Once a call is placed to a number that includes “#”, GL2GO will automatically use the preferred dialing method chosen in the Options Menu.

You can also disable this feature in the Options menu.
Direct Dial
included feature
  1. Select your destination number from your phone book and press the BlackBerry® menu key ( ).
  2. Click "Use GL2GO Direct Dial" located in the top row of the menu to submit your request for a direct dial.
  3. On your screen you will see "Request in Progress".
  4. Then you will see, “Thank you for using GL2GO, your call will be connected shortly.”
  5. You will then hear the destination number ring. You are now connected.

With Direct Dial, you no longer need to enter any access numbers, PINs or destination numbers. GL2GO does the dialing for you.

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Options Menu
BlackBerry® button
Access the GL2GO Options menu by pressing the BlackBerry® Menu key ( ) or by selecting the GL2GO icon in your Downloads menu.

The following options will appear:

Set Method of Calling: In the GL2GO Options menu, you can set your desired mode of calling: Call Back, Direct Dial or both.

Set Pauses for Direct Dial: This sets the number of pauses between the automatic dialing of the access number, PIN and destination number.
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Pound Assisted Dial: Choose the preferred dialing method when using Pound Assisted Dial Feature.

Your changes are automatically saved once you exit the options screen.

When using Direct Dial, your cell phone will dial a series of numbers. A small delay (pause) has been programmed between these numbers. If you receive a message “invalid number” when dialing out with Direct Dial, you may need to increase the number of pauses (1 to 3) for your cell phone to dial out effectively.
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*Promotional minutes of call time and rates apply only to calls made within Canada and the USA with the exception of Yukon, NWT, Nunavut and Alaska.
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